2024 Claims Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
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Refreshment Sponsorship
2 available @ $2500 each (this sponsorship is to sponsor one of the two bars located on the tradeshow floor that are open from Noon to 4:00 PM)
- Free Admittance to the event for 2 attendees ($500.00 value)
- Acknowledgement in the January 2024 Special Edition of the WP
- Acknowledgement in December 2023 (if purchased by October 29th) and February 2024 Editions of the WP
- Acknowledgement on the OIAA website at www.oiaa.com
- Signage at the Event
- Advertising via “WP Radio” including shouts outs during live broadcast at event
- Thank you acknowledgement in the March 2024 Edition of the WP
- Platinum Social Media Package will include:
- Company Logo on Social Media Platforms
- Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on platforms once formally a sponsor
- We will link your company profile into our posts when acknowledging your contributions
- Recognition posts on social media platforms 3 times per month starting in December 2023 leading up to the event
- Recognition post the day of the event
Coffee Sponsorship
2 available @ $2500 each
- Free Admittance to the event for 2 attendees ($500.00 value)
- Acknowledgement in the January 2020 Special Edition of the WP
- Acknowledgement in December 2019 (if purchased by October 29th) and February 2020 Editions of the WP
- Acknowledgement on the OIAA website at www.oiaa.com
- Signage at the Event
- Advertising via “WP Radio” including shouts outs during live broadcast at event
- Thank you acknowledgement in the March 2020 Edition of the WP
- Platinum Social Media Package will include:
- Company Logo on Social Media Platforms
- Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on platforms once formally a sponsor
- We will link your company profile into our posts when acknowledging your contributions
- Recognition posts on social media platforms 3 times per month starting in December 2019 leading up to the event
- Recognition post the day of the event
Seminar Sponsorship
$2000 each
- Free Admittance to the event for 2 attendees ($500.00 value)
- Your brand logo on signage in each seminar room
- Acknowledgement in the January 2020 Special Edition of the WP
- Acknowledgement in December 2019 (if purchased by October 29th) and February 2020 Editions of the WP
- Acknowledgement on the OIAA website at www.oiaa.com
- Signage at the Event
- Shout Outs on “WP Radio” during live broadcast at event
- Thank you acknowledgement in the March 2020 Edition of the WP
- Seminar Sponsor Media Package will include:
- Company Logo on Social Media Platforms
- Recognition as a sponsor on platforms once formally a sponsor
- Recognition posts on social media platforms 2 times per month starting in December 2019 leading up to the event
- Recognition post the day of the event
Luncheon Sponsorship
$1000 each
- Free Admittance to the event for 2 attendees
- Acknowledgement in the January 2020 Special Edition of the WP
- Acknowledgement in December 2019 (if purchased by October 29th) and February 2020 Editions of the WP
- Acknowledgement on the OIAA website at www.oiaa.com
- Signage at the Event
- Thank you acknowledgement in the March 2020 Edition of the WP
- Bronze Social Media Package will include:
- Company Logo on Social Media Platforms
- Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor on platforms once formally a sponsor
- Recognition post the day of the event
Online Sponsorship Purchase
Opens September 5th, 2023 @ 10:00am.
Thank you for your continued support of the OIAA. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Shawna Gillen via email at shawna.gillen@aig.com.